HKUMed UG Prospectus 2022

(M[LY [OL -V\Y[O :\TTH[P]L (ZZLZZTLU[ `V\ ^PSS OH]L H ^LLR ISVJR ^OLYL `V\ JHU L_WSVYL HU HYLH VM TLKPJPUL [OH[ PU[LYLZ[Z `V\ either through clinical attachment or laboratory/clinical research. Training with Partner Institutions 8\LLU 4HY` /VZWP[HS 84/ PZ V\Y THQVY [LHJOPUN OVZWP[HS 0[ PZ HSZV H [LY[PHY` YLMLYYHS JLU[YL MVY JVTWSL_ HUK HK]HUJLK TLKPJHS ZLY]PJLZ MVY [OL LU[PYL /VUN 2VUN [LYYP[VY` 4VZ[ VM [OL -HJ\S[`»Z JSPUPJHS KLWHY[TLU[Z HYL SVJH[LK H[ 84/ ^OPJO VMMLY KLKPJH[LK [LHJOPUN HUK learning activities and professional clinical training for our students. Apart from QMH, learning also takes place in other public hospitals of the Hospital Authority and private hospitals such as the Hong 2VUN :HUH[VYP\T /VZWP[HS .SLULHNSLZ /VZWP[HS /VUN 2VUN HUK [OL <UP]LYZP[` VM /VUN 2VUN¶:OLUaOLU /VZWP[HS HJYVZZ [OL IVYKLY (SS [OLZL OVZWP[HSZ HYL [OL RL` WHY[ULYZ VM [OL -HJ\S[` PU [LHJOPUN [YHPUPUN HUK YLZLHYJO \UKLY [OL /2< /LHS[O :`Z[LT MBBS Elective HKUMed strives to provide a positive clinical learning environment that values learner needs. Our curriculum emphasises on knowledge integration and clinical reasoning, communication and team skills, professionalism and systems practice spanning across disciplines and healthcare settings, enabling learners to get ready for practice, realise their potentials and pursue their career aspirations. Medicine is a lifelong learning journey, it is all about being proactive and self-motivated. Instead of spoon-feeding us with knowledge, HKUMed provided us with the necessary tools, resources and guidance to further our knowledge, deepen our understanding and hone our skills independently. Each of us was given a point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) probe to obtain hands-on experience as we practise and progress during Clinical Clerkships. HKUMed is not feeding us fish, it teaches us to fish for a lifetime. Dr Pamela Lee MBBS Programme Director *SPUPJHS Yu Kong To MBBS Year 5 Student 15