HKUMed UG Prospectus 2020

7 First in the world to develop and launch a publicly accessible index (Hedley Environment Index) with hourly estimation of air pollution impact on adverse health outcomes and economic costs 2008 The world’s first remotely controlled expandable device implantation surgery to treat children with scoliosis 2009 First to develop a patented prescription drug, an oral arsenic trioxide preparation for the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukaemia First combined heart and liver transplant in Hong Kong 2010 First extra-cranial intravenous-cranial vascular bypass and craniofacial resection for locally advanced recurrent nasopha- ryngeal carcinoma in the world 2011 First in the world to describe a model of coronavirus evolution, based on the 23 novel human and animal coronaviruses discovered over 10 years 2012 First to characterize the epidemiology of H7N9 influenza in the world 2013 First subcutaneous implantable cardioverter defibrillator in Asia First exome-chip analysis of lipid traits in Chinese 2014 First live birth by assisted reproduction with preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) using next generation sequencing for couples having chromosomal error in Hong Kong 2016 First comprehensive study of MERS coronaviruses in Africa First invention of universal antibody drug for HIV-1 prevention and immunotherapy 2018 First magnetic sphincter augmentation for gastroesophageal reflux disease in Asia 2019 First lung transplant in Hong Kong First baby in Hong Kong conceived through intracytoplasmic sperm injection was delivered 1995 First to discover the SARS coronavirus First to identify the source of SARS coronavirus infection 2003 First to characterize the epidemiology of SARS coronavirus 2004 First to identify the natural reservoir of SARS coronavirus 2005 First in the world to conduct an adult-to-adult right lobe living donor liver transplant First in Asia to show improved respiratory health in children in response to pollutant reduction after the implement of anti-air pollution law 1996 First catheter based endomyocardial transplant of autologous bone marrow stem cell for treatment of severe coronary artery diseases in the world First radiofrequency ablation for cancers in Hong Kong 2001 First intervertebral disc transplant in humans in the world 2000