
connected to Queen Mary Hospital through the new building at 3 Sassoon Road that opened last year. We are also extending our campus beyond Pokfulam with the HKU Jockey Club Centre for Clinical Innovation and Discovery and HKU Jockey Club Institute of Cancer Care, which will open at the redeveloped Grantham Hospital in 2025. Even more space could become available a few years down the road through potential mega projects such as the Northern Metropolis and HKU-Shenzhen campus. Managing our existing development plans, let alone future ones, requires a coherent and well-coordinated strategy to integrate the moving pieces and get the most out of these assets. We also need guidance and support from the University, as well as the Hospital Authority and our teaching hospital partners, namely Queen Mary Hospital, Grantham Hospital, Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong, the HKUShenzhen Hospital and the Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital Medical Group. We are seeking their input and planning to work together to make the most efficient and effective use of our resources. 33