State of the Faculty Address 2021

5 Having sketched out various huge efforts at upgrading the built infrastructure on both sides of the border, let me now turn to the crux of 管子’s lifelong mission or 「終身之計」, which is of course 「莫如樹人」 or human capital development. As I said at the beginning, echoing my repeated emphases back in the 2013, 2015, 2017 and most recently 2019 State of the Faculty Addresses, human capital is at the heart of what we do and who we are. But precisely how should a school expand, enhance and enrich its human capital? Research metrics, prizes and awards are often ready proxies for quality. By these measures, we have completed the year in spades. Topping the list are Professors Guan Yi (Public Health), Malik Peiris (Public Health) and Yuen Kwok-yung (Microbiology) . The first two became laureates of the 2021 John Dirks Canada Gairdner Global Health Award “for significantly contributing to understanding the origins and options for control of newly emerging infectious disease outbreaks in Asia, notably zoonotic influenza and severe acute respiratory syndrome ( SARS) .” The last two were awarded the 2021 Future Science Prize in Life Sciences “for their discoveries of SARS-CoV-1 as the causative agent for the global SARS outbreak in 2003 and its zoonotic origin, with impact on combating COVID-19 and emerging infectious diseases.” 終身之計,莫如樹人 ( A lifelong mission of nurturing people ) Professor Guan Yi ( Public Health) Professor Malik Peiris ( Public Health) Professor Yuen Kwok-yung ( Microbiology)