State of the Faculty Address 2020

9 For the clinical years, the prolonged ward closure to student teaching imposed by the Hospital Authority has required quick innovation in maintaining uninterrupted teaching delivery. Colleagues in various disciplines have pioneered new and different forms of “from bedside to webside” learning, including clerking patients via Zoom, of course with all the appropriate cybersecurity and patient confidentiality assurances in place. Simulation laboratories, especially in nursing, have become another popular learning mode. I am proud to relate that despite the COVID-19 challenge of physical distancing, HKUMed undertook all summative examinations – written and clinical – successfully this past summer, and without a single instance of cross-infection. It was a herculean effort masterminded by Dr Victor Lee (Assistant Dean for Assessment) and ably supported by Dr Samson Wong and Ms Julie Lau. We carried out more than 1,000 PCR tests and put in place a series of infection control measures to ensure the health and safety of all candidates, patients, proctors and examiners. We did not compromise on standards while keeping everyone safe. This past year of social unrest and pandemic-related “lockdowns” have dealt a severe blow to student wellbeing and tested everyone’s resilience to the absolute limit. The Teaching and Learning Deanery has done a great deal of soul searching and brainstorming, particularly around the evolving nature of student wellness as perceived and felt. To further enhance our student wellness effort, we have strengthened the supporting team by appointing Dr Kendrick Shih (Ophthalmology) as HKUMed’s first Director of Student Affairs, Ms Rainbow Wong as administrative lead with an expanded and refreshed team of clinical psychologists and social workers, in partnership with the student body at large.