The HKU Eye Centre is a state-of-the-art ophthalmic centre established by the Department of Ophthalmology at The University of Hong Kong with the support of the Faculty of Medicine and our donors. The Centre’s mission is to conduct cu�ing edge clinical and translational research in ophthalmology, to deliver professional and patient-centered ophthalmic care, and to provide high quality clinical training to HKU medical students and postgraduate students. Strategically located in the heart of the Southern District of Hong Kong (7/F, Marina 8, Heung Yip Road, Wong Chuk Hang), the Centre centralizes the latest ophthalmic technologies and expertise of our Department to create synergies. The Centre is operated by a team of dedicated professoriate ophthalmologists, ophthalmic nurses, optometrists, orthoptists, ophthalmic imaging technicians, and houses three fully-equipped consultation rooms, an advanced ophthalmic investigation suite, and two day-procedure operating theatres. The increasing waiting time for ophthalmology outpatient consultation appointments and cataract surgeries at public hospitals has undermined prompt delivery of clinical services to many visually impaired patients in Hong Kong. The HKU Eye Centre is commi�ed to assist the socially disadvantaged and underprivileged community so patients who could not otherwise a�ord expensive eye care services would also be able to receive high quality ophthalmology consultation and surgery. The Department is thankful to our donors for their generous support to its charity community programs and research projects. The Department anticipates the HKU Eye Centre to become a regional hub for transformative clinical and translational research, multidisciplinary innovations in medical education, and high-quality ophthalmic care, serving people in Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area of China and beyond. Christopher Leung Director of HKU Eye Centre Department Chairperson and Clinical Professor 「香港大學眼科中心」是由香港大學眼科學系在醫 學院和捐助者的支持下成立的先進眼科中心。中 心的使命是為我們的眼科患者提供專業,全面, 和以患者為本的治療和護理;在眼科和視覺科學 方面進行臨床科研和轉化科研;並為香港大學醫 科學生和研究生提供優質的臨床培訓。中心戰略 性地座落於香港南區的心臟地段(黃竹坑香葉道8 號,7樓),凝聚了香港大學眼科學系教職員的專 業技能和多項設備,以達到協同作用。中心由敬 業的眼科教授、眼科護士、視光師、視覺矯正師 和眼科成像技術人員組成的團隊營運, 並設有三 個設備齊全的診症室,一所先進的檢查室,和兩 個日間手術室。 香港公立醫院眼科門診預約及白內障手術的輪候 時間不斷延長,使不少視障患者得不到迅速的診 治或手術治療。香港大學眼科中心將致力協助弱 勢社群,讓缺乏經濟能力的視障患者也可以得到 高質素的眼科診治及手術治療。香港大學眼科學 系感謝捐助者對社區慈善計劃和本學科研究項目 推動的慷慨支持。 本學系祈盼香港大學眼科中心成為區域性樞紐, 為香港,中國大灣區,甚至境外地區提供高質量 的眼科醫療服務, 推動最先進的臨床和轉化研 究,和提升創新醫學教育。 梁啟信教授 香港大學眼科中心總監 眼科學系系主任及臨床教授 5 HKU Eye Center Inaugural Report The University of Hong Kong 系主任引言