There is a growing interest and reliance on virtual reality (VR) in medical education especially a�er several years of pandemic, creating a reliance on technology and reducing patient contact. With the support from the HKU Teaching Development Grant 2020 (Principal Investigator: Dr. Nicholas Fung), our Department has recently acquired a virtual reality simulator for teaching direct ophthalmoscopy to medical students. The simulator relies on a mannequin with spatial sensors which will simulate the retina while looking through its specially designed direct ophthalmoscope. The simulator allows the teacher to guide the student in locating clinical signs and providing feedback during the entire examination process. 傳染病大流行後,醫學教學對虛擬實境的興趣和 使用日漸增加,使用虛擬實境技術可減少與患者 的接觸。得到2020年香港大學教學發展基金的 支持(首席研究員︰臨床助理教授馮兆基),香港 大學眼科學系透過虛擬實境模擬器,教授醫學生 如何進行直接眼底鏡檢查。該人體模型通過其專 門設計的直接眼底鏡檢查進行觀察。模擬器容許 導師指導學生判斷臨床症狀,導師和學生可在整 個檢查過程中互相提出問題和意見。 3. Teaching with Virtual Reality (VR) 虛擬實境教學 43 HKU Eye Center Inaugural Report The University of Hong Kong