1. Wide-field optical coherence tomography (OCT) – Advancing the frontier of glaucoma diagnostics 廣域光學相干斷層掃描(OCT)⸺推動青光眼診斷的前沿 「香港大學是五個高級神經青光眼成像網 絡(ANGI Network)SteerCo 成員機構之 一,連繫史丹福大學(美國)、紐約大學 (美國)、摩菲眼科醫院(英國)、倫敦大 學學院(英國)和首爾峨山病院(南韓)在 全球推動以OCT技術診斷青光眼。」 “The University of Hong Kong is one of the five Advanced Nerve Glaucoma Imaging Network (ANGI Network) SteerCo member institutions, connecting Stanford University (USA), New York University (USA), Moorfields Eye Hospital (UK), University College London (UK), and Asan Medical Center (South Korea) to advance OCT diagnostics in glaucoma care on an international scale.” 22 Technologies and Innovations at HKU Eye Center 香港大學眼科中心——技術與創新