During 2021-2022, HKU Ophthalmology professoriate sta� have secured HK$20,466,124.68 research grant from the University Grants Commi�ee Research Grants Council General Research Fund, Food and Health Bureau Health and Medical Research Fund, and the medical device companies and pharmaceutical industry as principal investigators, published 84 research papers in major peer-reviewed academic journals including Nature Biomedical Engineering (Impact Factor: 25.7), Ophthalmology (Impact Factor: 12.1), and Cell Death & Disease (Impact Factor: 8.5), and received multiple international research awards including the Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Senior Achievement Award 2021, Hong Kong Most Outstanding Leaders Awards 2021, and the Japanese Ophthalmological Society International Young Investigator Award 2021 among others. 香港大學眼科學系教職員工於2021-2022年間, 成功申請多個研究基金,當中包括大學教育資助 委員會研究資助局優配研究金、食物及衛生局醫 療衛生研究基金,和醫療設備及製藥公司配置的 研究基金,發表了共84篇研究論文,包括在期刊 Nature Biomedical Engineering (影響因子: 25.7)、 Ophthalmology (影響因子: 12.1)和Cell Death & Disease (影響因子: 8.5),及榮獲多項國際性研究 獎項,包括2021年亞太眼科學會高級成就獎、 2021年香港傑出領袖獎和2021年日本眼科學會國 際青年研究員獎。 1. Research Outputs 2021-2022 2021-2022 年研究成果 Ophthalmology 2022 Nature Biomedical Engineering 2022 Cell Death & Disease 2022 8 Research at HKU Ophthalmology 香港大學眼科學系——研究成果