1. Poster presenters will be available at their respective posters during the entire session to present their work and to address any questions from the adjudicators and participants.
  2. Adjudicators will be provided with all poster abstracts in advance and will request presentations (3 mins max) from students during the allocated poster sessions.
  3. Presenters not available at their posters at the time of adjudicator visit will be forfeited from the competition.
  4. Adjudicators will independently grade the presenters and their posters using the following scheme:

    Student name:Score*
    Poster number:
    Poster style, organization and visuals
    Organization (logical order and progression of ideas)12345
    Visual appeal (attractive and balanced)12345
    Legibility of text, figures and tables (no small font, simple, illustrative)12345
    Poster content
    Background comprehendible for field outsiders12345
    Methods explained in appropriate detail for poster12345
    Results well summarized and concluded12345
    Originality and scientific merit12345
    Able to go through poster thoroughly and succinctly12345
    Answers questions clearly12345
    Shows understanding of the topic12345
    * 1 = poor, 5 = excellent
  5. The adjudicators will discuss their ranking of the presenters at the end of the session and finally select the two best poster presenters of the session.
  6. Two top presenters of each session will be awarded the Certificate of Merit and a cash prize of $1,000 at the Award Session to be held on December 2, 2016 at 4:50 pm in Lecture Theatre 1, Cheung Kung Hai Conference Centre.
  7. Due to the tight schedule, please adhere to the programme and avoid overrun of the session.