HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine | 香港大學李嘉誠醫學院

HKU Health System (HKUHS) is the umbrella executive arm overseeing the clinical enterprises of the LKS Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong. Established in 2015, HKUHS has now firmly established itself as the overarching governance platform for relations with our affiliated teaching hospitals and oversees the Faculty’s entire clinical affairs, as a one-stop service in our integrated approach to engaging with clinical staff, healthcare organisations and patients.


香港大学医疗系统负责监督及支持香港大学李嘉诚医学院辖下的临床企业。 自2015年成立以来,香港大学医疗系统已发展成一个促进医学院与教学医院互动的管治平台,并统筹医学院的临床事务,为医护人员、医疗服务机构以及病患者提供一站式的综合服务。